Monday, November 10, 2014

Health and Safety Bites

Chronic Dental Irritation May Play Role In Development Of Oral Cancers.

Medscape (11/8, Nelson) reported that research published online in JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery suggests that “chronic dental irritation might play a role in the development of oral cancers, especially in nonsmokers.” The researchers “note that oral cavity cancers occur predominantly at sites of potential dental and denture trauma; this is particularly true for nonsmokers who lack other established risk factors.” However, “more significant was the difference in the location of the cancers they observed in their retrospective analysis of 724 patients.”

Improper Toothbrush Storage May Spread Bacteria.

In a patient-directed article reporting on 10 grooming activities that, if done improperly, may spread bacteria, the Prevention Magazine(11/7, Moorhouse) website reports that first among those activities is improper storage of the toothbrush. The toothbrush might be “laden with bacteria, saliva, and, if you’re a particularly aggressive brusher, blood,” Prevention Magazine reports, adding that “even after rinsing a toothbrush with water, it can still” harbor bacteria, according to the CDC. The article reports that the American Dental Association “suggests replacing your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months (sooner if you’ve been sick), keeping it in a closed space like a medicine cabinet, and if you share a bathroom and have multiple toothbrushes in there, store them separately to avoid cross-contamination of any lingering germs.”

Chewing Sugar Free Gum “May Be A Good Place To Start” In Tooth Decay Prevention.

US News & World Report (11/7, Kohnle) carried a brief HealthDay News report on how chewing sugar-free gum “may be a good place to start” in the effort to prevent tooth decay. The article reports that people should “look for a sugarless gum with the American Dental Association Seal,” and shouldn’t let chewing gum replace regular dental hygiene like flossing daily and brushing twice daily.

Blog Notes The Importance Of Flossing For People In Their 30s.

Pop Sugar (11/10) “Lifestyle” blog article lists “33 Things To Quit Doing When You Hit Your 30s,” which include a number of health related items. The article reports that people generally have a “‘get out of jail free’ card” during their 20s, and that as people age into their 30s many of the things they could get away with sans health effects dwindle. Among those, the article advises people stop “flossing only once a year before your trip to the dentist, and then right after, when the dentist guilt-trips you in to it.”

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