Tuesday, October 28, 2014

We want your candy!!

ADA Advises Parents To Limit Children’s Consumption Of Hard, Sticky Candies During Halloween Season.

A small handful of newspapers consider the potential health effects of binge eating sugary sweets, which many people are expected to do during the upcoming Halloween holiday. For instance, the Guardian Liberty Voice (NV)(10/28) reports that excessive sugar consumption “may lead to unpleasant physical symptoms that resemble an alcoholic hangover.” Additionally, the article notes the potentially negative effects of indulgent sugar intake on dental health. Still, “in one national example of a proactive partnership, the American Dental Association teamed up with PopCap Games in 2012 to create the Stop Zombie Mouth campaign to help prevent the tooth decay and gum disease that can be exacerbated by too much sugar and Halloween candy,” the Guardian Liberty Voice reports.
        Meanwhile, the Bangor (ME) Daily News (10/28, Feulner) reports that the American Dental Association advises hard candies and sticky candies are most dangerous for oral hygiene, as they remain in the mouth for longer periods of time, and “can increase the risk of tooth decay.” However, the Daily News points out that sugar-free gum “may reduce tooth decay,” according to recent studies. The article goes on to suggest that parents should set aside Halloween candy for later; introduce the “Halloween Fairy,” which “exchanges leftover Halloween candy for a toy, art supplies or cash”; or give it away, as many dentists now participate in “Halloween candy buyback” programs.
        The Denver Post (10/28, Draper) also reports on methods parents can adopt for limiting the risk Halloween candy poses to kid’s dental health. The Post reminds parents to always have children brush their teeth before bed, and notes that the ADA recommends kids to avoid sticky or hard candies.

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