Parents Should Brush Infants’ Teeth Between Bottle Feeding And Bedtime.
Citing the American Dental Association, the Kane County (IL) Chronicle(11/22, Kohl) reported on the issue of tooth decay caused by infants’ baby bottles, which “is often called baby bottle tooth decay” and “most often occurs in the upper front teeth, but can occur in other teeth as well.” The article advised parents not to put their child to bed with a bottle, instead reporting that dentists advise parents give their child a bottle, brush their teeth, and then put them to bed or down for a nap. Moreover, “the American Dental Association advises that tooth decay can also be caused when cavity-causing bacteria are passed from the primary caregiver to the infant through saliva,” and advises parents not put a child’s pacifier in their own mouth.
Patients Advised To Brush Teeth Later In The Morning.
In a 1,500-word article on how people can “have the healthiest day of your life,” Good Housekeeping (11/24, Heyman) reports that people should wait until later in the morning, around 9 a.m. when they arrive at work, to brush their teeth. “You’ve worked out, had a protein-packed meal, and made it to the office. Now, attend to your teeth,” the article advises. “The American Dental Association recommends waiting 30 minutes after consuming something acidic before taking out your toothbrush,” as it may weaken the tooth’s enamel otherwise. Later in the evening, the article advises patients brush their teeth again, adding that doing so a little earlier can help curb late-night snacking.